Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati
Laboratori nationali di Frascati presents its accelerator activities through the specialists that are leading several projects and that are responsible for different instrumentations as well as has strong specialization in the mentioned special technologies.
Alessandro Gallo
- Design, construction, operation of RF systems for lepton accumulation rings
- Design, fabrication, operation of LLRF systems for lepton accumulation rings, including beam feedback and beam loading compensation systems
- Design, realization, operation of analog LLRF systems for high brightness linac
- Design, realization, operation of synchronization systems at the FS scale
- Realization of high frequency electronics systems for beam diagnostics
- Vector Network Analyzer up to 100 GHz
- Spectrum Analyzers up to 26 GHz
- Real time digital scopes up to 20 GHz
- Laser systems for the optical distribution of synchronization signals at the FS scale
- Digital signal analyzers for the characterization of the frequency response of servo controls
- Power RF technology
- RF electronics
- Beam dynamics in lepton accumulation rings
- Beam dynamics in linac for leptons
- Feedback systems
- Synchronization systems
- Low phase noise electronics
David Alesini, Chief Technologist, INFN-LNF
- Realization of C-band electron guns for ultra-high brightness electron beams
- Realization of S-band electron guns for ultra-high brightness electron beams
- Realization of vacuum chambers and capillaries for plasma acceleration
- Realization of high gradient X-band structures
- X-band power station for high gradient testing of accelerating structures and components
- Design, construction and operation of low-emittance synchrotron and particle colliders
- Vector Network Analyzer up to 100 GHz
- spectrum analyzers
- signal generator
- Bench for metrological control of precision mechanical components
- LASER tracking system for decimal alignments of accelerator components
- Power RF technology
- Design and construction of accelerating structures for electrons
- Dynamics of electron beams in circular accelerators
- Dynamics of electron beams in linear accelerators
- Sources of electrons
- Accelerations of electrons induced by plasmas
Sabbatini, A. Vannozzi Design of electromagnets and PM magnets for accelerators
Sabbatini et al
Open infrastructure for scientific and industrial applications of accelerator-based technologies: vacuum, RF, magnets, mechanics
Sabbatini et al
Research infrastructure for power and THz laser applications from FEL
- Sabbatini, A. Vannozzi Hall probe on a 5-axis granite bench
- Sabbatini, A. Vannozzi Stretched wire (instrument for magnetic measurements)
- Sabbatini, A. Vannozzi Rotating coil under maintenance (instrument for magnetic measurements)
- Sabbatini, A. Vannozzi Software for electromagnetic simulations (Opera, national license) Instrumentation for high precision electrical measurements for magnet power supplies (DCCT, ADC, oscilloscopes, ...)
- Sabbatini, A. Vannozzi Design of electromagnets and permanent magnets
- Sabbatini, A. Vannozzi Magnetic measurements
- Vannozzi Electrical measurements
- Sabbatini Project management
B. Buonomo, L. Foggetta and C. Di Giulio
- Linac upgrade - beam = development of generation, transport and beam loading specifications for extension to beams with a duration greater than 200ns
- Linac upgrade - RF = expansion of the control and correction capabilities of the low level radiofrequency system of the DAFNE LINAC
- Linac upgrade - HVPS = replacement of the DC power system for high power, high voltage charging, to power klystron's PFN modulator charge circuits with innovative solid state based integrated systems
- Linac upgrade - Control electronics = retrofit of the current DAFNE LINAC control and feedback hardware system with an embedded system based on modular hardware, PXI-CRIO® standard
- Linac upgrade - Slow control = development of the three programming levels within LabView® for the control, feedback and human interface of the "Linac upgrade - Control electronics" project
- Embedded control system based on modular hardware, PXI-CRIO® standard
- High-power, high-voltage, solid-state-based charging systems to power klystron's PFN pulse charging circuits
- Modulation and control systems of pulsed radiofrequency power in band C and band S for klystron
- High power (tens of MW), high voltage (tens of kV) Klystron-based pulsed radio frequency amplification systems in S-band and C-band
- S-band pulsed radiofrequency systems for conditioning the RF peak power at SLED
- S-band pulsed radiofrequency generation systems for synthesizer-based klystron modulators
- Discrete systems for pre-amplification and frontend and vacuum conditioning of radio frequency (attenuators, phase shifters, PSK)
- Diagnostics for high and low power characterization for radiofrequency in S band
- Pulsed electrostatic gun (tens of ns) with traditional cathode, electrons, 100KeV
- DAFNE LINAC system, pulsed, in S-band SLAC type with high electron (800MeV) and positron (550MeV) charge
- LINAC service subsystems: ultra-high vacuum, primary tower cooling circuits and secondary heat exchanger and heaters, electrical power transformation systems, discrete electronic systems for LINAC action
- Systems with discrete / modular electronic control and feedback elements for throttle control in different standards (ETH, Serial, fiber, GPIB, VME, CAMAC, PLC, electrical and industrial electronic)
- Charge diagnostics of pulsed packets (tens of ns) of relativistic electrons / positrones based on beam current monitor and integrated current transformer and related conditioning and control electronics
- Position diagnostics of pulsed packets (tens of ns) of relativistic electrons / positrones based on beam position monitor and related conditioning and control electronics based on modular multiplexer and ADC system, PXI / SCXI® standard
- High performance oscilloscope (5Ghz, 5GS / s) 8 analog, 16 digital channels
- High performance standard rack PC (32 cores, 16GB ram, virtualization, RAID1 disks)
- Discrimination, delay and standard and level conditioning systems for low jitter digital signals, with fiber and coaxial outputs
- Maintenance and development of LINAC electrostatic and pulsed radiofrequency accelerating systems and related subsystems
- Design, implementation and development of power systems, high voltage for PFN charging
- Maintenance and development of low-level pulsed radiofrequency systems for LINAC in S band
- Maintenance and development of systems of modulation / amplification of pulsed radio frequency power systems for LINAC in band S and band C
- Conduction of LINAC and related subsystems, in H24 operations
- Conditioning, transport and control of the dynamics of highly charged relativistic electron / positron pulsed beams
- Development and implementation of pulsed radiofrequency diagnostics
- Development and implementation of software in LabView in the embedded and slow control field
- Development and implementation of electronic boards and circuits with discrete / modular elements for control and conditioning subsystems of LINAC pulsed signals in different standards (PXI, SCXI, CRIO, USB, ETH, Serial, fiber, GPIB, VME, CAMAC, PLC, electrical and industrial electronics)
- Development and implementation of environmental safety systems and machine interlock / signaling systems
- Technique and technology of cooling fluids
- Technique and technology of metal processing
Marica Biagini
- Storage rings design
- Beam dynamics in storage rings
Antonella Balerna, Mariangela Cestelli Guidi, Marco Angelucci and Roberto Cimino
Antonella Balerna, X-rays
- Use of DAFNE synchrotron light beams for Italian and foreign users (For access to the synchrotron light lines of EU users CALIPSOplus 2018-2021, CALIPSO 2012-2015, ELISA 2009- 2011)
- Realization of silicon detectors, SDD, for X-ray induced fluorescence measurements (CSN5 ARDESIA (finished in 2018) and ARDESIA R4I (2019)
- Development of equipment with the use of conventional X sources "
- Instrumentation (means that the instrumentation is located in your section / laboratory, unless otherwise specified).
- SDD ARDESIA 4 channels and SDD Bruker single channel
- X absorption measurement system of materials from 900 eV to 3000 eV (synchrotron light) monochromator and ionization chambers measurement chamber
- Source X with anode of W up to 90 keV
- Cryostat for low temperature X measurements up to 80 K
- Measurement and test chamber usable for HV measurements
- Matter - X-ray interaction
- Synchrotron light sources
- X-ray optics
- X-ray detectors
- Applications of the characterization of the atomic structure of materials in various fields including catalysis, biology and medicine, materials science, cultural heritage etc.
Mariangela Cestelli Guidi, IR radiation
- EU projects related to the use of synchrotron light
- Regional projects linked to the Technological District for Cultural Heritage (DTC) of Lazio
- INFN CSN5 projects related to the development of sensors in the THz
- FT-IR Interferometer (Bruker Vertex 70V)
- FT-IR interferometer (Bruker TensorII) with HTS-XT autosampler module
- IR microscope (Bruker Hyperion 3000) equipped with infrared imaging detectors.
- Systems for analysis in temperature (4K-1500K) and pressure (0-20GPa) in vacuum.
- Accessories for FT-IR analysis on liquids, powders and crystals.
- Clean room for the treatment of biological samples of max class 0/1.
- Portable Raman (785nm, BwTek)
- System for multispectral investigations: Camera with InGaAs 640x512 sensor (Hamamatsu C12741-03); Nikon modified camera.
- Synchrotron light sources in IR / THz
- IR / THz detectors
- Analysis of the optical properties of materials
- Applications of the analysis of materials related to Cultural Heritage, Life Science, pharmacological sector, Mineralogy, Materials Sciences.
Marco Angelucci, UV-VIS radiation
- Line of light for measurements from 2 to 10 eV with 2 monochromators for low and high energy (vacuum).
- Conventional UV radiation sources: HgXe lamp (200-650 nm) and D2 (120-250 nm)
- Photodiodes calibrated in the UV range
- Mini-SEM microscope with microanalysis for analyzing atoms present in the samples.
- System to evaporate Au, Pt and C
- Synchrotron light sources from Visible up to XUV
- Detectors for UV-Vis sources
- UV-Vis spectroscopy measurements, detector tests, optics in astrobiology, photobiology and calibration applications using synchrotron light and conventional sources.
Roberto Cimino, XUV Radiation
- EU EuroCirCol projects (2016- 2019), MoU with CERN for the construction of a white light line for photo-desorption experiments important for the development of future accelerators.
- INFN CSN5 projects, MICA completed in 2019 and ARYA (SurfAce and mateRial studies for Accelerator TechnologY And related topics) started in 2020.
- Low energy XUV line from 30 eV to 200 eV
- High energy XUV line from 60 eV to 1000 eV and WINDY (White light line for Desorption Yields) branch line using white beam.
- Graphene growth furnace.
- Raman microscope.
- Conventional sources for XPS and SEY measurements
- Detectors, manipulators and cryostats in use in the XPS and SEY measurement chambers.
- Materials science laboratory, specialized in the study of surfaces
- Synchrotron light sources in the XUV
- XUV and electron detectors
- Study of surfaces important for the characterization of different materials with applications ranging from materials science, accelerator physics and space applications.