- Development of D2 superconducting dipoles for separation / recombination of beams in High Luminosity LHC
- Development of high-field superconducting dipoles for the Future Circular Collider. Construction of a short model
- Development of canted-solenoid dipoles with high critical temperature superconductors and MgB2
- Studies of magnets for space applications
- Design and industrial follow-up of the Transfer Solenoid modules of the Mu2e experiment
- Critical current measurements on high current conductors (partly for third party activities)
- Linde TCF 20 helium liquefaction plant, with gas recovery and storage system.
- Facility Ma.Ri.S.A. for measurements on high current superconducting cables (magnetic field up to 8 T, current up to 100 kA) and variable temperature.
- Three systems with superconducting magnets with ranges from 5 to 15 T with variable temperature inserts (from 4.2K to 300 K), relative cryostats and power supplies
- Magnetic, thermal and mechanical design of superconducting magnets
- Electrical measurements (critical current, ac dissipations, ac susceptibility) at cryogenic temperatures
- Management of cryogenic plants