Projects / collaborations:
Novel fundamental research compact European plasma accelerator with superior beam quality.
This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under grant agreement No 653782.
CSN5 coordinates technological research and application development and promotes the use, in other fields, of tools, methods and technologies of fundamental physics. INFN is a solid reference at a national and international level for the development of future prototypes and the construction of today's particle accelerators. These are used, as well as in fundamental physics research, in other fields of research and in economic and social life.
ARYA - SurfAce and mateRial studies for Accelerator TechnologY And related topics
The experiment called SL COMB2FEL aims at the acceleration, manipulation and transport of high brightness electron beams by resonant plasma wakefields
Terahertz radiation (1 THz = 33 cm-1 = 4 meV = 300 μm = 48 K = 1 ps) represents a cutting-edge scientific and technological tool in various physics fields of interest to INFN. These range from new particle acceleration techniques (from acceleration to their diagnostics), to medical physics, to detectors for dark matter, to opto-electronic devices for manipulating the properties of radiation (phase, amplitude, polarization), to innovative materials.
Collaboration agreement with CERN for THz characterization of coating materials
Collaboration agreement (with the University of Naples) with CERN for the use of metamaterials in machine elements
- investments in the development of high-brightness sources with plasma accelerators
- Vector Network Analyzer (up to 20GHz)
- Spectrum analyzer (up to 26GHz)
- Sweep generator up to 14 GHz
- CW generators up to 20 GHz
- Time Domain Spectrometers 0.1 - 5 THz
- 1 Flow cryostat with optical windows for measurements 3.5 - 300 K
- Computing server with electromagnetic 3D codes (e.g. CST)
- Microwave measurements
- Design and test of innovative devices for particle accelerators (part em)
- Design, construction and testing of THz devices
- THz measurements in transmission and reflection
- THz ellipsometry measurements (in progress)
- Design of innovative accelerating structures
- Wakefield and coupling impedances
- Dynamics of beams in linear and circular machines
- Wakefield and coupling impedances in conventional and plasma accelerators
- Laser-plasma acceleration (LWF)
- PWF acceleration
- Static and dynamic plasma lenses
- Plasma undulators
- Radio frequency measurements
- Non-linear effects in plasmas: self-modulation, self-constriction, self-focusing of packets of charged particles and / or EM radiation