- LHC- High Luminosity
- Eupraxia and Eupraxia @ Sparc_Lab
- Compact Light
- Compact FEL & Compton
- Electron Linac for Flash Therapy
- participations in the development of high-brightness sources with plasma accelerators
- Vector Network Analyzer (up to 20GHz)
- Spectrum analyzer (up to 14GHz)
- Signal generators (up to 3GHz)
- Bead pull measuring bench for characterization of accelerating structures
- Computing server with electromagnetic 3D codes (e.g. CST, HFSS) and accelerator design (e.g. TSTEP, GPT)
- High intensity THz source. THz is produced by transducing a high intensity laser from IR to THz through optical rectification and laser filamentation processes.
- Instrumentation for e.m. compatibility measures
- Collective effects
- Wakefield and coupling impedances
- Dynamics of beams in linear and circular machines
- Laser-plasma acceleration
- E.m. project of particle accelerator devices
- Electron beam diagnostics in accelerators
- Radio frequency measurements
- High intensity laser: interaction with matter and non-linear propagation, plasma acceleration, THz generation and use of THz for diagnostics in the field of accelerator physics and environmental monitoring.