Network controls - epics

Network Introduction

The main responsibility is to disseminate guidelines and best practices for the INFN community using the EPICS framework. This task is not limited to simply sharing code and hardware catalogues, but also includes sharing experiences, with the aim of preventing duplication of effort and optimising the (few) resources available.


Andrea Michelotti (LNF)

Labs and people involved

  • Loris Antoniazzi (LNL)
  • Bisegni (Standford)
  • Damiano Bortolato (LNL)
  • Riccardo Gargana (LNF)
  • Mauro Giacchini (LNL)
  • Maurizio Montis (LNL)
  • Stefano Pioli (LNF)
  • Francesco Prezl (INFN-MI)

Network Goals

  1. Preparation of a Project / repository in Baltig(*) as the main platform for sharing code, technical documents and meeting minutes
  2. Preparation of a Teams group for conducting meetings and discussions (??)
  3. Sharing Baltig repositories with EPICS software (applications, tools, etc.) made and/or managed by the different sites and aligned to the EPICS community