Dr. Danilo Rifuggiato
The SPES project (Selective Production of Exotic Species) aims at the realization of an accelerator-based facility for research in the fields of Fundamental Physics and Interdisciplinary Physics. Research in the field of Fundamental Physics will be accomplished thanks to the availability of radioactive ion beams to be produced with the ISOL method, while research in the field of Interdisciplinary Physics will be based on the production of radionuclides of medical interest and on the generation of neutron sources.
For these purposes an accelerator complex is under development, consisting of several accelerator components.
The Cyclotron B70 is the primary accelerator, able to produce proton beams with energy of 35-70 MeV and maximum intensity of 0.75 mA. The primary beam is delivered on target systems of different types: an ISOL target ion source complex for production of radioactive ion beams, target stations for production of radionuclides of medical interest and generation of neutron sources. A High Resolution Mass Separator allows for high selectivity of radioactive ion beams. The ADIGE injector includes a Medium Resolution Mass Separator and a Charge Breeder to increase the charge state of radioactive ion beams. A normal conducting RFQ allows for pre-acceleration of radioactive ion beams. The superconductive linac ALPI is the post accelerator of radioactive ion beams.
The status of the project will be presented with some details on the main technological features.