Dr. Massimo Ferrario and Professor Lucio Rossi
Accelerators and PNRR – Italy’s Next Generation Europe
Two INFN-led programs concerning particle accelerators have been recently approved by MUR in the frame of the Call for new Research Infrastructure of the PNRR (the Italian leg of the EC funded Next Generation Europe). The seminar will review the two programs to illustrate this considerable expansion of the infrastructure for accelerators and associated technology.
Dr. Massimo Ferrario EuAPS -EuPRAXIA Advanced Photon Sources
Advanced Photon Sources are key components for the successful operation of the EuPRAXIA facilities. They act, for example, as drivers for plasma waves in ultra-high-gradient accelerators or as plasma-based sources of ultra-short pulses of high intensity x-rays. The EuAPS proposal (submitted by INFN, CNR and University of Tor Vergata) includes a laser-driven “betatron” X Ray facility to be tested and put in operation at the LNF SPARC_LAB test facility. EuAPS includes also the development of the required high power (up to 1 PW at LNS) and high repetition rate (up to 100 Hz at CNR Pisa) drive lasers.
Dr. Lucio Rossi IRIS-Innovative Research Infrastructure in applied Superconductivity.
IRIS is distributed research infrastructurecomprising six poles: Frascati (INFN-LNF), Genova (INFN, CNR_SPIN and Unige), Milano (INFN, Unimi), Napoli (Unina), Salento (UniSalento), Salerno (INFN, CNR-Spin, Unisa). Led by the LASA lab of INFN and Univ. of Milan, IRIS is devoted to strengthenapplied superconductivity in Italy by mutualizing existing infrastructures, competences, skills and by expanding them with new laboratorieswith the ultimate goalto contribute to Fundamental Physics instrumentation (particle accelerators for post-LHC era) and to Societal Applications for green energy and medicine