Status of the Chinese project CEPC (Circular Electron Positron Collider)

Dott.ssa Marica Biagini

The CEPC Study Group, hosted by the Institute of High Energy Physics (IHEP), has been working on the design and development of a forefront e+e− collider as a Higgs factory that can extend to energies corresponding to the Z, WW and top-quark-pair production, with the upgrade potential to a high-energy pp collider. The CEPC Accelerator Technical Design Report (TDR), which documents the design, the outcomes of the R&D of key technologies, the technical systems, and the cost estimate of the e+e− collider, was released in December, 2023. Going beyond the TDR and preparing CEPC for construction, which may begin in 2027-28, the CEPC Study Group has initialized the Engineering Design Study which will be documented in a formal report (EDR). In 2025, a CEPC proposal will be submitted to Chinese government aiming for CEPC be included into the 15th five year plan.


13 Dicembre 2024    
15:00 - 16:00

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